Based on the beloved and hilarious 2003 Will Ferrell film, Elf The Musical tells the story of Buddy, who mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported to the North Pole. Raised as an elf and unaware that he is actually a human, Buddy realizes he is different when he grows up to tower over the other elves and finds that he is a disastrous toy-maker. With Santa’s permission, Buddy embarks on a journey to New York City to find his true identity.
Book by Thomas Meehan and Bob Martin
Music by Matthew Sklar
Lyrics by Chad Beguelin
Based upon the New Line Cinema film written by David Berenbaum
Direction by Marybeth Clark
Musical Direction by Sam Henderson
Choreography by Cara Dolan
Lead Title Sponsor: John and Carolyn Peterson Charitable Foundation
Supporting Sponsor: Southern Lumber and Millwork Corp